A few months ago I stumbled across a stranger’s blog (
Watch me. No, watch me!). After reading the first post I was hooked. I could not believe that there was someone out there who sounded a lot like me
(both the voice in my head as well as the voice that sometimes escapes from my head). I really can’t explain why I kept reading “a strangers blog” other than I enjoyed it and I could relate to what she was saying. As the months went on I started to feel like I knew this stranger
(in a stalker kind of way since she really did not know that I existed. I am not one that regularly leaves blog comments, even on my friend’s blogs much less a stranger’s blog.) Then one day she posted about needing contributors for her section of an on-line magazine called
Blissfully Domestic. I checked out the magazine and thought to myself “I could probably do this”
(even though I am the farthest thing from Blissful or Domestic) I did not tell anyone about it
(not even my husband) until this past weekend. My husband was wondering why I was walking around the house taking pictures of our plants and lunch boxes. I am not quick on my feet so out came the truth,
“I am a contributing writer to an on-line magazine called Blissfully Domestic.” Once those words passed my lips I could feel the nerves wash over me. It had just hit me that
very soon lots of people were going to be reading things that I wrote. Holy cow! What did I get myself into? My husband calmly reminded me that lots of people already read what I write
(I write documents for an on-line consulting firm as well as numerous documents that I have written over the years for employers). Yaa, but this is different! I feel very comfortable writing those types of documents; documents that tell people to initial and date, round to 3 sig figs, document as you go, take a shower before coming to work, etc. This was totally different! My wonderful editor
(and no longer a stranger) has been doing her best to talk me down off the stress/nerves ceiling. I am probably going to be perched up there for awhile. At least until I get a couple of these articles under my belt and feel way more comfortable with this new adventure. Until then, wish me luck!
Go Green: Use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic or paper ones.
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